Missoula County opposes SB 80: Limit the duration of interlocal agreements, up for hearing in the Senate Local Government Committee this afternoon. If passed, SB 80 would limit interlocal agreements to five years. This limitation would make it difficult for agencies to partner together to save costs on both short- and long-term projects. The State of Montana currently enters into long-term interlocal agreements for such projects as the State Public Safety Radio Network, which pairs federal, state and local funding to invest in needed infrastructure. These purchases often cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Limited to five years, the financing agreements needed for these investments would be jeopardized. In addition, many jurisdictions have interlocal agreements to provide for library, 9-1-1 and wastewater services. These would all be difficult to maintain if they were shortened to five years. Again, many of these are capital intensive projects with financing attached to the agreement. Many jurisdictions share land use functions governed by interlocal agreements. The development community relies on these long-standing agreements to give them certainty when investing millions of dollars throughout the state.
Missoula County supports, as amended, SB 80: Limit the duration of interlocal agreements, up for hearing this afternoon in the House Local Government Committee. Before amendments were added, Missoula County opposed SB 80, because shortening many long-term interlocal agreements to just five years would jeopardize financing agreements needed for large investments like infrastructure. However, as amended, SB 80 would now limit this review to planning agreements. Given the rapidly changing development community’s needs, this amendment adds appropriate review periods to interlocal agreements related to planning. At this time, Missoula County does not have any agreements for extraterritorial planning or zoning with the City of Missoula, and this bill would not preclude us from doing so if it was advantageous to the county in the future.
Missoula County supports, as amended, SB 80: Limit the duration of interlocal agreements, up for second reading this afternoon. Before amendments were added, Missoula County opposed SB 80, because shortening many long-term interlocal agreements to just five years would jeopardize financing agreements needed for large investments like infrastructure. However, as amended, SB 80 would now limit this review to planning agreements. Given the rapidly changing development community’s needs, this amendment adds appropriate review periods to interlocal agreements related to planning. At this time, Missoula County does not have any agreements for extraterritorial planning or zoning with the City of Missoula, and this bill would not preclude us from doing so if it was advantageous to the county in the future.
Senators Boldman and Morigeau,
ReplyDeleteMissoula County opposes SB 80: Limit the duration of interlocal agreements, up for hearing in the Senate Local Government Committee this afternoon. If passed, SB 80 would limit interlocal agreements to five years. This limitation would make it difficult for agencies to partner together to save costs on both short- and long-term projects. The State of Montana currently enters into long-term interlocal agreements for such projects as the State Public Safety Radio Network, which pairs federal, state and local funding to invest in needed infrastructure. These purchases often cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Limited to five years, the financing agreements needed for these investments would be jeopardized. In addition, many jurisdictions have interlocal agreements to provide for library, 9-1-1 and wastewater services. These would all be difficult to maintain if they were shortened to five years. Again, many of these are capital intensive projects with financing attached to the agreement. Many jurisdictions share land use functions governed by interlocal agreements. The development community relies on these long-standing agreements to give them certainty when investing millions of dollars throughout the state.
Please oppose SB 80.
Representatives Thane and Whitman,
ReplyDeleteMissoula County supports, as amended, SB 80: Limit the duration of interlocal agreements, up for hearing this afternoon in the House Local Government Committee. Before amendments were added, Missoula County opposed SB 80, because shortening many long-term interlocal agreements to just five years would jeopardize financing agreements needed for large investments like infrastructure. However, as amended, SB 80 would now limit this review to planning agreements. Given the rapidly changing development community’s needs, this amendment adds appropriate review periods to interlocal agreements related to planning. At this time, Missoula County does not have any agreements for extraterritorial planning or zoning with the City of Missoula, and this bill would not preclude us from doing so if it was advantageous to the county in the future.
Please support, as amended, SB 80.
ReplyDeleteMissoula County supports, as amended, SB 80: Limit the duration of interlocal agreements, up for second reading this afternoon. Before amendments were added, Missoula County opposed SB 80, because shortening many long-term interlocal agreements to just five years would jeopardize financing agreements needed for large investments like infrastructure. However, as amended, SB 80 would now limit this review to planning agreements. Given the rapidly changing development community’s needs, this amendment adds appropriate review periods to interlocal agreements related to planning. At this time, Missoula County does not have any agreements for extraterritorial planning or zoning with the City of Missoula, and this bill would not preclude us from doing so if it was advantageous to the county in the future.
Please support, as amended, SB 80.