
Showing posts from December 18, 2020

HB 91

 LC0454 Robert Farris-Olsen (D) HD 79 Revise violent offender registry laws

HB 88

 LC0723 Marta Bertoglio (R) HD 75 Generally revise laws on administration of TRS

HB 86

 LC0469 Mary Ann Dunwell (D) HD 84 Allow the creation of regional fire protection authorities

HB 84

 LC0385 Julie Dooling (R) HD 70 Generally revise driver laws

HB 81

 LC0722 Jim Hamilton (D) HD 61 Generally revise laws on administration of MPERA retirement systems

HB 78

 LC0344 Bill Mercer (R) HD 46 Require certain employees to report suspected child abuse and neglect

HB 11

 LC0465 Wendy McKamey (R) HD 19 Treasure State Endowment Program

HB 76

 LC0559 Gregory Frazer (R) HD 78 Revise Montana VEBA provisions

HB 71

 LC0562 Frank Garner (R) HD 7 Revise campaign finance reporting dates for municipal elections

HB 70

 LC0347 Kenneth L Holmlund (R) HD 38 Revise state suicide prevention program

HB 69

 LC0433 Wendy McKamey (R) HD 19 Eliminate reduced-price co-pays for school meals

HB 68

 LC0432 Marta Bertoglio (R) HD 75 Provide early school enrollment for children of relocated military families

HB 62

 LC0358 Mike Hopkins (R) HD 92 Update water and wastewater revolving loan program

HB 60

 LC0346 Dennis R Lenz (R) HD 53 Clarify terminology used in voluntary CPS placement process

HB 59

 LC0719 Jim Hamilton (D) HD 61 Revise funding provisions in PERS

HB 57

 LC0345 Dennis R Lenz (R) HD 53 Revise requirements related to CPS placements in congregate care

HB 56

 LC0399 Denley M Loge (R) HD 14 Revise tire chain laws to provide for enforcement

HB 55

 LC0398 Denley M Loge (R) HD 14 Revise light requirements for snow removal equipment

HB 52

 LC0332 Tom Welch (R) HD 72 Revise property tax reporting and clarifying AUM calculations

HB 50

 LC0441 Frank Garner (R) HD 7 Redistribute 9-1-1 funding to state library

HB 49

 LC0430 David Bedey (R) HD 86 Revise recording fees to support county and state land information accounts

HB 46

 LC0281 David Bedey (R) HD 86 Revise special education funding

HB 44

 LC0720 Geraldine Custer (R) HD 39 Revise funding for GWPORS

HB 43

 LC0420 Rhonda Knudsen (R) HD 34 Expand practice of telemedicine

HB 42

 LC0361 Neil A Duram (R) HD 2 Clarify AIS management authority laws

HB 40

 LC0372 Willis Curdy (D) HD 98 Revising laws on mandatory decontamination of vessels with ballast and bladders

HB 39

 LC0343 Dennis R Lenz (R) HD 53 Provide for continued interim review of child protective services matters

HB 37

 LC0338 Tom Welch (R) HD 72 Clarify requirements for the Medicaid medically needy program

HB 36

 LC0297 Sharon Stewart Peregoy (D) HD 42 Establish missing persons response team training grant program

HB 35

 LC0296 Sharon Stewart Peregoy (D) HD 42 Establish a missing persons review commission

HB 33

 LC0279 Sue Vinton (R) HD 56 Clarify school funding related to anticipated enrollment increases

HB 30

 LC0567 Jessica Karjala (D) HD 48 Revise provision on filling conservation district board vacancies

HB 28

LC0451 Frank Fleming (R) HD 51 Revise Board of Crime Control laws to remove duty to hear POST Council appeals

HB 27

 LC0290 Moffie Funk (D) HD 82 Authorize school districts to create "handle with care" programs

HB 26

 LC0278 Moffie Funk (D) HD 82 Clarify the definition of pupil

HB 23

 LC0374 Becky Beard (R) HD 80 Revise tax lien and tax deed process

HB 21

 LC0470 Geraldine Guster (R) HD 39 Authorize funding for the multifamily coal trust home loan program

HB 18

 LC0354 Geraldine Custer (R) HD 39 Appropriation for Local Government Center

HB 17

LC0376 Jim Hamilton (D) HD 61 Allow alternative energy system tax credit to be refunded

HB 16

 LC0271 Fred Anderson (R) HD 20 Allow 3- and 4-year-olds with disabilities in ANB calculations

HB 14

 LC0468 Mike Hopkins (R) HD 92 Long-Range Building Bonding Program

HB 12

 LC0651 Mike Hopkins (R) HD 92 Historic Preservation Grants

HB 9

 LC0463 Mike Hopkins (R) HD 92 Cultural and Aesthetic Grants

HB 7

 LC0462 Mike Hopkins (R) HD 92 Reclamation and Development Grants

HB 6

LC0460 Mike Hopkins (R) HD 92 Renewable Resource Grants