Missoula County joins the School Administrators of Montana in supporting SB 95: Revise school funding inflationary adjustment, up for hearing Monday afternoon in the Senate Education and Cultural Resources Committee. The Employment Cost Index is more reflective of inflation in labor costs than the CPI. For most school districts, 90% or more of their general fund budgets go to pay for salaries and benefits. Thus, basing inflationary increases in school budgets on labor costs instead of consumer prices would be a more accurate method of determining what school inflationary increases should be.
Senators Salomon and O’Brien,
ReplyDeleteMissoula County joins the School Administrators of Montana in supporting SB 95: Revise school funding inflationary adjustment, up for hearing Monday afternoon in the Senate Education and Cultural Resources Committee. The Employment Cost Index is more reflective of inflation in labor costs than the CPI. For most school districts, 90% or more of their general fund budgets go to pay for salaries and benefits. Thus, basing inflationary increases in school budgets on labor costs instead of consumer prices would be a more accurate method of determining what school inflationary increases should be.
Please support SB 95.