
Willis Curdy  (D) HD 98


  1. Sent Feb. 25:

    Representatives Marler and Thane,

    Missoula County opposes HB 532: Generally revise bond and levy notification laws, up for hearing tomorrow morning in the House Taxation Committee.

    It is virtually impossible for the county treasurer to provide with the ballot a statement showing the taxes currently levied on homes valued at $100,000, $200,000, $300,000, $400,000, $500,000, $750,000 and $1 million. In addition to a statement that must show the taxes levied for all taxing jurisdictions to which the property is subject and be itemized by taxing jurisdiction.

    In Missoula County we have 65 different taxing districts that all have different levels of taxation depending on your geographical location. When a home with the same taxable value of $4050 (the approximate value for a home with a $300,000 market value) is calculated in each of the 65 different taxing districts the property tax amount due is the same number only twice in the 65 different taxing districts. To meet the HB 532 requirements for a ballot statement there would have to be 455 different calculations made and listed on the ballot with only 14 of them being the same number. This requirement will add pages to each ballot and will only serve to confuse the voter.

    To comply with the HB 532 requirement that, “Within 10 days after the receipt of the property tax record, the county treasurer shall publish a notice specifying: a written statement itemized by taxing jurisdiction showing the taxes currently levied for all taxing jurisdictions to which the property is subject, including levies that fund bond payments, on homes valued at $100,000, $200,000, $300,000, $400,000, $500,000, $750,000, and $1 million.” It is unclear to Missoula County what is meant by “10 days after the receipt of the property tax record.” Missoula County generally receives the certified property values from the state in August and begins a process that ends up with the treasurer being ready to send the bills for printing and mailing in mid to late September. We only send the bills out when we are certain the calculations are correct not only to the county but also to the local Department of Revenue office. Immediately following that confirmation the county transmits the bills for printing and mailing to residents, it is only after that point in time that we have the ability to perform the 455 different calculations needed to produce the theoretical taxes at the seven different home values levels listed.

    Please oppose HB 532.


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