HB 235



Tom Welch  (R) HD 72


  1. Letter of support from BCC to committee: https://missoulacounty.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/administration/BCC/EVjT0dNCNMFMse9nl-rH6yAB_W7xH5tmdx8o6pmajsGVuQ?e=2x2Ndp

    Commissioner Slotnick also testified in support on Feb. 3 with similar remarks.

  2. Representatives,

    Missoula County supports HB 235: Create nutrition incentive program for SNAP participants, up for second reading this afternoon on the House floor.

    This bill would help fund Double SNAP Dollars, a nutrition incentive program that helps food-insecure Montanans afford more local fruits and vegetables while directly supporting Montana farmers. For every SNAP dollar spent at participating sites in Montana, SNAP customers receive an extra Double SNAP Dollar to spend on fresh produce, up to $20 per day. Before COVID-19, one in 10 Montanans struggled to afford the food they needed. This number is projected to increase by 30%, and many families participate in SNAP. A growing number of entities now accept SNAP dollars across 13 counties, including 23 farmers markets, two community supported agriculture farm share programs and one retail grocery store. Affording healthy food can be difficult. Incentives such as Double SNAP Dollars help increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, resulting in positive impacts on health. The SNAP program is also an effective economic stimulus, with each dollar generating between $1.50 and $1.80 in local economic activity.

    Please support HB 235.

  3. Senator Sands,

    Missoula County supports HB 235: Create nutrition incentive program for SNAP participants, up for hearing this afternoon in the Senate Public Health, Welfare and Safety Committee.

    This bill would help fund Double SNAP Dollars, a nutrition incentive program that helps food-insecure Montanans afford more local fruits and vegetables while directly supporting Montana farmers. For every SNAP dollar spent at participating sites in Montana, SNAP customers receive an extra Double SNAP Dollar to spend on fresh produce, up to $20 per day. Before COVID-19, one in 10 Montanans struggled to afford the food they needed. This number is projected to increase by 30%, and many families participate in SNAP. A growing number of entities now accept SNAP dollars across 13 counties, including 23 farmers markets, two community supported agriculture farm share programs and one retail grocery store. Affording healthy food can be difficult. Incentives such as Double SNAP Dollars help increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, resulting in positive impacts on health. The SNAP program is also an effective economic stimulus, with each dollar generating between $1.50 and $1.80 in local economic activity.

    Please support HB 235.

  4. Senators,

    Missoula County supports HB 235: Create nutrition incentive program for SNAP participants, up for second reading this afternoon on the Senate floor.

    This bill would help fund Double SNAP Dollars, a nutrition incentive program that helps food-insecure Montanans afford more local fruits and vegetables while directly supporting Montana farmers. For every SNAP dollar spent at participating sites in Montana, SNAP customers receive an extra Double SNAP Dollar to spend on fresh produce, up to $20 per day. Before COVID-19, one in 10 Montanans struggled to afford the food they needed. This number is projected to increase by 30%, and many families participate in SNAP. A growing number of entities now accept SNAP dollars across 13 counties, including 23 farmers markets, two community supported agriculture farm share programs and one retail grocery store. Affording healthy food can be difficult. Incentives such as Double SNAP Dollars help increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, resulting in positive impacts on health. The SNAP program is also an effective economic stimulus, with each dollar generating between $1.50 and $1.80 in local economic activity.

    Please support HB 235.


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