HB 241


Joe Read (R) HD 93

Revise hunting laws related to tribal boundaries


  1. Representatives,

    Missoula County opposes HB 241: Revise hunting laws related to tribal boundaries, up for hearing last Tuesday, Feb. 9, in the House Fish, Wildlife and Parks Committee. Missoula County recognizes that our communities are located in the aboriginal territories of the Salish and Kalispel People. As a result, we greatly value our relationship with the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (CSKT), and regularly engage with Tribal Council on topics and issues relevant to both our jurisdictions. We honor their sovereignty and culture, value their collaboration and continually strive toward a stronger relationship built on trust and understanding. This bill takes a step in exactly the opposite direction. HB 241 would negatively impact not only the CSKT but tribal nations across the state. It fails to recognize tribal sovereignty as well as established court rulings that are contrary to what is being proposed in this bill. If passed, this bill would undoubtedly lead to litigation that could go as far as the Supreme Court while significantly eroding trust and relationships that have been established between the state and tribal nations. In addition, many Missoula County residents and visitors benefit from the outstanding hunting, fishing and recreation opportunities that are provided on the reservation and managed through cooperation between the CSKT and the State of Montana, something that is working very well, currently, and we would like to see continue. We were further dismayed to hear during the committee hearing that not one tribal nation had been consulted during preparation of this bill.

    Please oppose HB 241.


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