Missoula County supports HB 250: Revise immunization requirements for pharmacists, up for hearing last Tuesday, Feb. 9 in the House Human Services Committee, with two caveats. We appreciate the all-hands-on-deck approach to administering vaccines in Montana and the increased opportunity for rural residents to access vaccines through their pharmacies. Missoula County would like to see adding measures that compel pharmacies to participate in the federal Vaccines for Children program and enter collaborative practice agreements with pediatricians to ensure equity among those being vaccinated.
ReplyDeleteMissoula County supports HB 250: Revise immunization requirements for pharmacists, up for hearing last Tuesday, Feb. 9 in the House Human Services Committee, with two caveats. We appreciate the all-hands-on-deck approach to administering vaccines in Montana and the increased opportunity for rural residents to access vaccines through their pharmacies. Missoula County would like to see adding measures that compel pharmacies to participate in the federal Vaccines for Children program and enter collaborative practice agreements with pediatricians to ensure equity among those being vaccinated.
Please support HB 250.