SB 165


Carl Glimm (R) SD 2

Generally revise laws related to the department of environmental quality


  1. Sent Feb. 3:

    Senators Boldman and Morigeau,

    Missoula County opposes SB 165: Generally revise laws related to the department of environmental quality, up for hearing this afternoon, in the Senate Local Government Committee.

    SB 165 allows broad exemptions from stormwater review, including developments that would have high potential for stormwater runoff, such as condos and townhomes, airports, all parcels created before July 1, 1974, and all minor subdivisions. This bill contains confusing language regarding private water and sewage facility requirements. SB 165 also removes the ability of DEQ and counties to review existing septic systems during subdivision review, which is an appropriate time to make sure existing systems meet minimum standards and are currently functioning.

    Please oppose SB 165.

  2. Sent Feb. 18:


    Missoula County strongly opposes SB 165: Generally revise laws related to the department of environmental quality, up for second reading today on the Senate floor.

    SB 165 allows broad exemptions from stormwater review, including developments that would have high potential for stormwater runoff, such as condos and townhomes, airports, all parcels created before July 1, 1974, and all minor subdivisions. This bill contains confusing language regarding private water and sewage facility requirements. SB 165 also removes the ability of DEQ and counties to review existing septic systems during subdivision review, which is an appropriate time to make sure existing systems meet minimum standards and are currently functioning.

    Please oppose SB 165.

  3. Representatives Curdy, France and Marler,

    Missoula County strongly opposes SB 165: Generally revise laws related to the department of environmental quality, up for hearing this afternoon in the House Natural Resources Committee.

    SB 165 allows broad exemptions from stormwater review, including developments that would have high potential for stormwater runoff, such as condos and townhomes, airports, all parcels created before July 1, 1974, and all minor subdivisions. This bill contains confusing language regarding private water and sewage facility requirements. SB 165 also removes the ability of DEQ and counties to review existing septic systems during subdivision review, which is an appropriate time to make sure existing systems meet minimum standards and are currently functioning.

    Please oppose SB 165.

  4. Sent April 9:


    Missoula County strongly opposes SB 165: Generally revise laws related to the department of environmental quality, up for second reading this morning on the House floor.

    SB 165 allows broad exemptions from stormwater review, including developments that would have high potential for stormwater runoff, such as condos and townhomes, airports, all parcels created before July 1, 1974, and all minor subdivisions. This bill contains confusing language regarding private water and sewage facility requirements. SB 165 also removes the ability of DEQ and counties to review existing septic systems during subdivision review, which is an appropriate time to make sure existing systems meet minimum standards and are currently functioning.

    Please oppose SB 165.


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