HB 696


Barry Usher (R) HD 40

Generally revise crisis intervention training laws


  1. Representatives France and Tenenbaum,

    Missoula County supports HB 696: Generally revise crisis intervention training laws, up for hearing tomorrow morning in the House Judiciary Committee. This bill would revise the original Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) bill to expand the ability of the state to apply for and request grants. CIT trainers and coordinators support the bill revisions which would help support CIT training for communities across the state of Montana. Crisis intervention training is a critical component of de-escalating mental health related crises and supporting mental health in our community.

    Please support HB 696.

  2. Senators Sands and Bennett,

    Missoula County supports HB 696: Generally revise crisis intervention training laws, up for hearing tomorrow morning in the Senate Judiciary Committee. This bill would revise the original Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) bill to expand the ability of the state to apply for and request grants. CIT trainers and coordinators support the bill revisions which would help support CIT training for communities across the state of Montana. Crisis intervention training is a critical component of de-escalating mental health related crises and supporting mental health in our community.

    Please support HB 696.


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