Missoula County opposes SB 359: Allow gates on certain county roads, up for hearing this afternoon in the Senate Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation Committee. In the current statute, Missoula County interprets it to allow unlocked gates across county roads, and there are several across the county, but only where the road serves one landowner and the county does not maintain that road. This additional language from SB 359 is not necessary, and could result in hardship for other landowners that regularly use a gated county road, as well as for county crews that maintain those roads. Cattleguards are a better solution for livestock control.
Senators O’Brien and Salomon,
ReplyDeleteMissoula County opposes SB 359: Allow gates on certain county roads, up for hearing this afternoon in the Senate Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation Committee. In the current statute, Missoula County interprets it to allow unlocked gates across county roads, and there are several across the county, but only where the road serves one landowner and the county does not maintain that road. This additional language from SB 359 is not necessary, and could result in hardship for other landowners that regularly use a gated county road, as well as for county crews that maintain those roads. Cattleguards are a better solution for livestock control.
Please oppose SB 359.